Results for 'R. Zh Abdilʹdina'

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  1.  7
    Диалектика свободы как творчества.Zhabaikhan Mubarakovich Abdil din & R. Zh Abdil Dina (eds.) - 1989 - Alma-Ata: "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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    Dialektika svobody kak tvorchestva.Zh M. Abdilʹdin & R. Zh Abdilʹdina (eds.) - 1989 - Alma-Ata: "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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    Zarubezhnai︠a︡ ot︠s︡enka trudov akademika Zh.M. Abdilʹdina.S. Kolchigin (ed.) - 2003 - Almaty: In-t filosofii i politologii Ministerstva obrazovanii︠a︡ i nauki RK.
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    Touched by injury: toward an educational theory of anti-racist humanism.R. M. Kennedy & Dina Georgis - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):19-30.
    Informed by the critical humanisms of Hannah Arendt, Frantz Fanon, and Paul Gilroy, the authors argue for an orientation to teaching and learning that troubles the continuing effects of dehumanizing race logic. Reflecting on Paul Haggis's Oscar award winning film Crash from 2004, they suggest that the metaphor of racial 'crashing' captures what happens when we act out from experiences of racial injury instead of being touched by it. They propose a psychoanalytic pedagogy of emotions as a method for reading (...)
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    Abai Kunanbaev: philosopher, reformer, humanist.Zh M. Abdilʹdin - 2020 - New York: Liberty Publishing House. Edited by R. Zh Abdilʹdina & Zhanar Abdildina.
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  6. Materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika kak logika.Zh M. Abdilʹdin (ed.) - 1979 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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    Dialekticheskai︠a︡ logika: obshchie problemy: kategorii sfery neposredstvennogo.Zh M. Abdilʹdin & L. K. Naumenko (eds.) - 1986 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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  8. Problemy logiki i dialektiki poznanii︠a︡.Zh M. Abdilʹdin (ed.) - 1963 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo Akademii nauk Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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  9. Problema nachala v teoreticheskom poznanii.Zh M. Abdilʹdin - 1967 - Alma-Ata,: Nauka.
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  10. Dialekticheskai︠a︡ logika: dialekticheskai︠a︡ logika kak metodologii︠a︡ sovremennogo estestvoznanii︠a︡.Zh M. Abdilʹdin (ed.) - 1985 - Alma-Ata: Izdatelʹstvo "Nauka", Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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  11. Dialekticheskai︠a︡ logika: kategorii sfery sushchnosti i t︠s︡elostnosti.Zh M. Abdilʹdin (ed.) - 1987 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
  12. O logicheskom uchenii alʹ-Farabi.Zh M. Abdilʹdin & M. S. Burabaev (eds.) - 1982 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
  13. Rolʹ kategorii "idei︠a︡" v nauchnom poznanii.Zh M. Abdilʹdin (ed.) - 1979 - Alma-Ata: Nauka.
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  14. Rolʹ print︠s︡ipa konkretnosti v sovremennoĭ nauke.Zh M. Abdilʹdin (ed.) - 1976 - Alma-Ata: Nauka.
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  15. Dialektika aktivnosti subʺekta v nauchnom poznanii.Zh M. Abdilʹdin - 1977 - Alma-Ata: Nauka :. Edited by A. S. Balgimbaev.
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  16. Sot︠s︡ialʹnye, ėticheskie i ėsteticheskie vzgli︠a︡dy alʹ-Farabi.M. S. Burabaev & Zh M. Abdilʹdin (eds.) - 1984 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
  17.  44
    Team Over-Empowerment in Market Research: A Virtue-Based Ethics Approach.Terry R. Adler, Thomas G. Pittz, Hank B. Strevel, Dina Denney, Susan D. Steiner & Elizabeth S. Adler - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (1):159-173.
    Few scholars have investigated the considerations of over-empowered teams from a non-consequential ethics approach. Leveraging a virtue-based ethics lens of team empowerment, we provide a framework of team ethical orientation and over-empowerment using highly influential market research teams as a basis for our analysis. The purpose of this research is to contrast how teams founded on virtue-based ethics can attenuate ethical dilemmas and negative organizational outcomes from team over-empowerment. We provide a framework of four conditions that include Sophisticated, Suppressed, Contagion, (...)
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  18. Print︠s︡ip protivorechii︠a︡ v sot︠s︡ialʹnom poznanii.M. I. Bakanidze & Zh M. Abdilʹdin (eds.) - 1982 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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    Emotional signals in nonverbal interaction: Dyadic facilitation and convergence in expressions, appraisals, and feelings.Martin Bruder, Dina Dosmukhambetova, Josef Nerb & Antony S. R. Manstead - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):480-502.
    We examined social facilitation and emotional convergence in amusement, sadness, and fear in dynamic interactions. Dyads of friends or strangers jointly watched emotion-eliciting films while they either could or could not communicate nonverbally. We assessed three components of each emotion (expressions, appraisals, and feelings), as well as attention to and social motives toward the co-participant. In Study 1, participants interacted through a mute videoconference. In Study 2, they sat next to each other and either were or were not separated by (...)
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    Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature.Olavo B. Amaral, Vanessa T. Bortoluzzi, Sylvia F. S. Guerra, Steven J. Burgess, Richard J. Abdill, Pedro B. Tan, Martin Modrák, Lieve van Egmond, Karina L. Hajdu, Igor R. Costa, Gerson D. Guercio, Flávia Z. Boos, Felippe E. Amorim, Evandro A. De-Souza, David E. Henshall, Danielle Rayêe, Clarissa B. Haas, Carlos A. M. Carvalho, Thiago C. Moulin, Victor G. S. Queiroz & Clarissa F. D. Carneiro - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundPreprint usage is growing rapidly in the life sciences; however, questions remain on the relative quality of preprints when compared to published articles. An objective dimension of quality that is readily measurable is completeness of reporting, as transparency can improve the reader’s ability to independently interpret data and reproduce findings.MethodsIn this observational study, we initially compared independent samples of articles published in bioRxiv and in PubMed-indexed journals in 2016 using a quality of reporting questionnaire. After that, we performed paired comparisons (...)
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  21. Sot︠s︡iologicheskie problemy nauki: [sbornik stateĭ].V. Zh Kelle & S. R. Mikulinskiĭ (eds.) - 1974 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Establishing a Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention Among Veterans Experiencing Homelessness.Maurand Robinson, Ryan Holliday, Lindsey L. Monteith, John R. Blosnich, Eric B. Elbogen, Lillian Gelberg, Dina Hooshyar, Shawn Liu, D. Keith McInnes, Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Jack Tsai, Riley Grassmeyer & Lisa A. Brenner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Suicide among Veterans experiencing or at risk for homelessness remains a significant public health concern. Conducting research to understand and meet the needs of this at-risk population remains challenging due to myriad factors. To address this challenge, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs convened the Health Services Research and Development Suicide Prevention in Veterans Experiencing Homelessness: Research and Practice Development meeting, bringing together subject-matter experts in the fields of homelessness and suicide prevention, both from within and outside of VA. (...)
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  23.  26
    Past, Present, and Future Research on Teacher Induction: An Anthology for Researchers, Policy Makers, and Practitioners.Betty Achinstein, Krista Adams, Steven Z. Athanases, EunJin Bang, Martha Bleeker, Cynthia L. Carver, Yu-Ming Cheng, Renée T. Clift, Nancy Clouse, Kristen A. Corbell, Sarah Dolfin, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Maida Finch, Jonah Firestone, Steven Glazerman, MariaAssunção Flores, Susan Hanson, Lara Hebert, Richard Holdgreve-Resendez, Erin T. Horne, Leslie Huling, Eric Isenberg, Amy Johnson, Richard Lange, Julie A. Luft, Pearl Mack, Julia Moore, Jennifer Neakrase, Lynn W. Paine, Edward G. Pultorak, Hong Qian, Alan J. Reiman, Virginia Resta, John R. Schwille, Sharon A. Schwille, Thomas M. Smith, Randi Stanulis, Michael Strong, Dina Walker-DeVose, Ann L. Wood & Peter Youngs - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book's importance is derived from three sources: careful conceptualization of teacher induction from historical, methodological, and international perspectives; systematic reviews of research literature relevant to various aspects of teacher induction including its social, cultural, and political contexts, program components and forms, and the range of its effects; substantial empirical studies on the important issues of teacher induction with different kinds of methodologies that exemplify future directions and approaches to the research in teacher induction.
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    Hard Enough to Manage My Emotions: How Hardiness Moderates the Relationship Between Emotional Demands and Exhaustion.Greta Mazzetti, Dina Guglielmi & Gabriela Topa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The frequency of conflicts with patients' families is one of the main contributors to the amount of emotional demands that healthcare professionals must tackle to prevent the occurrence of burnout symptoms. On the other hand, research evidence suggests that hardiness could enable healthcare professionals to handle their responsibilities and problems effectively. Based on the health impairment process of the Job Demands-Resources model, the main goal of this study was to delve deeper into the relationship between conflict with patients’ families, emotional (...)
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    Logik / Logic.Sally Sedgwick & Dina Emundts (eds.) - 2017 - De Gruyter.
    Band 12 des Internationalen Jahrbuchs des Deutschen Idealismus widmet sich dem Thema Logik. Der Band beginnt mit Beiträgen zu Kant. Kant kennt verschiedene Arten von Logik und die Abgrenzung der transzendentalen Logik von anderen Logikauffassungen ist wichtig für sein philosophisches Programm. Diese verschiedenen Logikauffassungen sowie deren Änderungen im Laufe der kritischen Philosophie werden in den Beiträgen von E. Carson, T. Rosenkoetter, C. Tolley und G. Zöller untersucht. Auch mit Blick auf Hegels Philosophie ist das Verständnis und die Rolle der Logik (...)
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    Prolonged COVID 19 Outbreak and Psychological Response of Nurses in Italian Healthcare System: Cross-Sectional Study.Jessica Ranieri, Federica Guerra, E. Perilli, Domenico Passafiume, D. Maccarone, C. Ferri & Dina Di Giacomo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aim of the study was to analyze the posttraumatic stress disorder risk nurses, detecting the relationship between distress experience and personality dimensions in Italian COVID-19 outbreak. A cross-sectional study was conducted based on 2 data detection. Mental evaluation was carried out in Laboratory of Clinical Psychology on n.69 nurses in range age 22–64 years old. Measurement was focused on symptoms anxiety, personality traits, peritraumatic dissociation and post-traumatic stress for all participants. No online screening was applied. Comparisons within the various demographic (...)
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  27. T. vanGelder.R. F. Port - 1995 - In Tim van Gelder & Robert Port, Mind As Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics of Cognition. MIT Press.
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    Sėngėė Rinbu̇chiĭn Mėndėlsniĭ 110 Zhiliĭn Oĭd Zoriulsan "Buddyn mėdlėg ukhaany khȯgzhild Mongol mėrgėdiĭn oruulsan khuvʹ nėmėr": Olon Ulsyn Ėrdėm Shinzhilgėėniĭ: (Iltgėlu̇u̇diĭn ėmkhėtgėl).G. Chuluunbaatar, D. Chuluunzhav & Zh Sandagdorzh (eds.) - 2015 - Ulaanbaatar: "Bembi San" KhKhK.
    Conference proceedings on Mongolian contributions to Buddhist knowledge.
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  29. 拒絕再 Hea ── 真理與意義的追尋.Stephen R. Palmquist (ed.) - 2013 - Hong Kong: 次文化 [Subculture Limited].
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  30. 心理学入门 [Xin Li Xue Ru Men] / Chinese translation of Dreams of Wholeness.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2010 - Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.
    Published as Book Two of the Philopsychy Trilogy; translated by Zhai Pengxiao.
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  31. Fa lü zhe xue ABC.Roland R. Foulke - 1929 - Shanghai: Shi jie shu ju. Edited by Xianmin Shi.
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  32. Abbott, S., B59 Akhtar, N., 141 Altmann, GTM, B79 Ambady, N., B49.R. Baillargeon, A. Bevan, L. Brueckner, B. Butterworth, M. Callanan, B. Corrigan, J. le CrawfordFeldman, S. Gahl & L. V. Hedges - 2004 - Cognition 93:263.
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  33. Luo, Y., B23.R. Baillargeon, S. Bick, F. Costa, K. Foster, P. Frasconi, N. Gadd, B. K. Hayes, J. Hoffmann & M. H. Johnson - 2003 - Cognition 88:331.
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  34. The Art of Analysis.R. Chen (ed.) - 2009 - Taipei: Pro-Ed.
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    Gu Dai Shi Jie de Xian Dai Si Kao: Tou Shi Xila, Zhongguo de Ke Xue Yu Wen Hua.G. E. R. Lloyd - 2008 - Shanghai Ke Ji Jiao Yu Chu Ban She. Edited by Weixing Niu.
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    现象学与文学.Robert R. Magliola - 1988
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  37. Zhong guan zhe xue.T. R. V. Murti - 1984 - Taibei Xian Zhonghe Shi: Hua yu chu ban she. Edited by Zhongsheng Guo, Yangzhu Xu & Ryūjō Kanbayashi.
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  38. Fa lü chê hsüeh ABC.Roland R. Toulke - unknown
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  39. Gao ji mi xin: xue shu zuo pai ji qi guan yu ke xue de zheng lun, di er ban = Higher superstition: the academic left and its quarrels with science, second edition.Paul R. Gross - 2008 - Beijing: Beijing da xue chu ban she. Edited by N. Levitt, Yongjun Sun & Jinzhi Zhang.
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  40. Li lun kao gu xue =.K. R. Dark - 2005 - Changsha Shi: Yue lu shu she.
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  41. 透視悖論--說謊者的幽默指南.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2013 - In 拒絕再 Hea ── 真理與意義的追尋. Hong Kong: 次文化 [Subculture Limited]. pp. 37-44.
    A Chinese translation of an essay entitled "Paradox in Perspective: A Liar’s Guide to Humor".
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    心不退转 施功日新.Stephen R. Bokenkamp - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
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  43. Four Basic Concepts of Medicine in Kant and the Compound Yijing.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2018 - Journal of Wuxi Zhouyi 21 (June):31-40.
    This paper begins the last instalment of a six-part project correlating the key aspects of Kant’s architectonic conception of philosophy with a special version of the Chinese Book of Changes that I call the “Compound Yijing”, which arranges the 64 hexagrams (gua) into both fourfold and threefold sets. I begin by briefly summarizing the foregoing articles: although Kant and the Yijing employ different types of architectonic reasoning, the two systems can both be described in terms of three “levels” of elements. (...)
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  44. 康德论历史性信仰的明智情形.Stephen R. Palmquist & Lu Chunying - 2014 - The Review of Practical Philosophy 1:35-48.
    Chinese translation of a revised version of a conference paper originally entitled "Kant on the Prudential Status of Historical Faith". Here is the original abstract in English: Because his ethical theory is grounded on the assumption that actions are virtuous only to the extent that they are motivated by the moral law, Kant has rarely, if ever, been regarded as a friend of prudence. That he is also not an enemy of prudence has been demonstrated by several recent studies of (...)
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  45. Maye, J., B101 Medin, DL, 59 Mimouni, Z., 77 Motes, MA, B89.A. Caramazza, J. D. Coley, M. Coltheart, C. Fisher, S. A. Gelman, Y. Hagmayer, M. D. Hauser, C. Kalish, J. T. Kaplan & R. Langdon - 2002 - Cognition 82:279.
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  46. Doi, LM, 157.J. Druks, J. Fodor, H. Gleitman, L. R. Gleitman, J. Grant, A. N. Haendiges, M. C. Jones, A. Karmiloff-Smith, Y. Klar & C. C. Mitchum - 1996 - Cognition 58:379.
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    Alkon, DL, 150.N. M. Alpert, D. Amaral, Anderson Jr, J. S. Antrobus, R. Ardila, G. A. Austin, E. Awh, H. P. Bahrick, P. O. Bahnck & M. R. Banaji - 1999 - In Robert L. Solso, Mind and Brain Sciences in the 21st Century. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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  48. “文化可加性”以及儒教,佛教和道教的价值观和规范如何共存,相互作用和影响越南社会: 用R和Stan对于长期民间故事进行贝叶斯逻辑回归 的分析.Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    据报道,越南人每年焚烧大约5万吨香纸,不仅是纸币形式, 还有iPhone、汽车、衣服, 甚至是管家形,希望取悦死者。 这种做法被错误地归因于传统的佛教教义,但大多数越南人都不知道它的起源來自于中国。 在生活的其他方面,越南也有许多类似的例子, 他们乐于對自己的文化增添新的规范、价值和信仰,甚至相互矛盾的東西。 这种被称为“文化可加性”的现象促使我们研究越南民间故事所显示的三教(儒教、佛教和道教)的核心价值观和规范之间的共存、相互作用和影响。通过应用贝叶斯逻辑回归,我们评估了一个故事的关键信息是否受宗教(因变 量)支配的可能性,還是受到三个教义有关的价值和反价值在表面的影响(自变量)。 我们的主要发现包括儒教和道教价值在文化上可加性的存在。更具体地说,实证结果表明,道教和儒教的价值观在民间故事中的相互作用或相加, 有助于预测故事的关键信息是否与儒教思想有关,β_{VT⋅VC} = 0.86。 同时,佛教却没有这样的统计趋势。 这些结果有一些重要意义。 首先,这表明了儒教思想的综治地位,因为儒教和道教的价值在一个故事中一起出现,导致了这个故事有儒学主导的关键信息。 因此,它表明了儒学支配地位的证据,并反对对三大宗教的共同根源,或是“三教同源” (“tam giáo đồng nguyên”) 概念的自由解释,认为宗教有统一性或唯一性。 其次,“文化可加性”概念有助于解释许多有趣的社会文化现象,就是越南社会没有不容忍和极端主义的宗教, 在教育里离谱诡辩的现象,科学技术的努力创造的效果低下, 商业中的误导品牌战略。我们知道我们的结果只是初步的, 并且必须进行更多的理论研究和实证研究, 以对 “文化可加性”有充分的解释。.
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    Islam shashin: ikh, dėėd surguulʹd "Shashin sudlalyn" khichėėl u̇zėzh buĭ oi︠u︡utnuudad zoriulsan garyn avlaga.A. Zhambal - 2005 - Ulaanbaatar: Bėmbi San. Edited by G. Luvsant︠s︡ėrėn.
    Catalog of the collection of the Madamkhand Museum of Art, named after the wife of Batzhargalyn Batbai︠a︡r, businessman and member of the Mongolian Khural.
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    Zhi xu yu zi you: ru dao hu bu chu lun = Order and f[r]eedom: preliminary discussion on the complementarity of Confucianism and Taoism.Jimin An - 2010 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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